Large and small, everyone is stressed. For a student, his change of life is a big daily upheaval. He moves away from his family and his friends, he has to make the choice on what he is going to study, he manages his budget himself,… This is the period when he learns to become an adult in order to be independent . These various reasons cause the student to be under great pressure. This sudden change can be a source of anxiety and stress for him.

What should a student do to fight against stress ?

Being a student is not easy. He is under pressure everywhere. Which leads to a life full of stress. The question is, how do you deal with stress during school? For a student, some tips are necessary to reduce the feeling of exhaustion on a daily basis. You have to know how to organize. Make a list of your daily expenses to easily manage your budget. Do your hierarchical activities (most important first). Plan all your activities in advance. You have to eat healthy. Eating a balanced diet is good for the body and the brain. You should eat foods rich in magnesium, iron and vitamins. Fruits, vegetables and grains are recommended. Stay away from junk food, sweets, alcohol, ... It is also necessary to get a good night's sleep. Sleeping well reduces fatigue and stress. It is essential to sleep at a fixed time every night. And the most important thing is to have time to have fun. It is essential to free up time. A student needs to relax. Playing sports, going out with friends, ... you have to have fun.

Stress and studies

According to the researchers' observation, stress during studies can be linked by different factors: change of life, romantic relationships, exams, etc. Stress can be identified for example by a pounding heart, lack of concentration, lack of sleep and appetite,… When the exam approaches, it's normal to feel stress. But that's no reason to miss the exam. So you have to find ways to de-stress yourself. Think of yourself first, take care of yourself. Exercise to eliminate bad waves from your body. Meditation is also very important. It gives positive signals to your brain by doing breathing exercises. Sleep is crucial, you need to get enough sleep on a regular basis.

The impacts of stress on students

When faced with stress during study, students do not react the same way. There are those who feel totally insecure. They are the most vulnerable. It is difficult for them to deal with stress. They languish in alcohol, tobacco, ... to overcome it. They don't even take care of them anymore.