In the hope of choosing the right student mutual insurance Company that best meets your needs and your financial situation, you must take into account a few selection criteria. At the same time, you are advised to know the different types of mutual insurance offered for students in France.

Why subscribe to a mutual for students?

The student health insurance is a supplement covering all health costs that are not concerned in social security. Depending on your needs, but also on your budget, it is essential to choose the mutual fund for students, the "classic" mutual or even the connection to your parents' health insurance. To do this, you are first advised to compare the services and offers associated with the student health insurance scheme. Then, before subscribing to an additional insurance contract, you are advised to take stock of your possible additional expenses and your needs. You must also take stock of your possible health expenses, namely the wearing of lenses and glasses, dental care and regular medical visits. Mutuals for students are not mandatory, but allow you to anticipate medical contingencies with amounts more suited to your budget.

Parents health insurance

The cheapest and easiest is to link your student mutual to that of your parents. In fact, the mutual health organizations of the latter benefit from an advantageous formula for the whole family through legal company insurance. This gives you very good health coverage for everything that is not covered by social security. In addition, you are not required to include the monthly contribution of the mutual health insurance in your student budget. However, the attachment of your parents' mutual health insurance has a drawback. The records of medical consultations arrive directly at your parents' address, which is not really pleasant for a student who wants privacy in their health.

Choose a classic mutual

If you do not want to be attached to your parents' health insurance, it is possible to choose a cheaper mutual insurance contract online. Indeed, many mutual health institutions can offer you a traditional complementary mutual. You can easily find young student packages at discounted rates by comparing the offers available in the market. However, reimbursements for your healthcare costs may differ depending on your choice of contract and insurer. In this sense, it is essential to consult a student mutual insurance comparison site before subscribing to a contract adapted to your needs.