The Covid-19 pandemic has caused countless students to stay at home. To this end, everyone must continue their studies alone, in front of their screen and their books. However, adapting to these new conditions constitutes a source of complexity that must be compensated for by constant rigor in order to resist any sort of distraction. In this context, how to ideally combine studies and confinement?

Studies and confinement: select well your work place

Carrying out distance studies requires motivation, rigor and method and autonomy. From now on, these various values ​​must apply to each student confined to his home. The key to studying effectively is undoubtedly calm. Thus, it is recommended to choose a quiet place and to avoid facing a wall that is too depressing. Also avoid facing the window as this can distract you. In the event that surrounding noise disturbs you, be sure to put on headphones without music or earplugs on your ears. In addition, stay well ordered to combine studies and confinement. In other words, always tidy up your desk and prepare the necessary materials (PC, books, notepads, sheets, etc.). Finally, make yourself comfortable by making yourself comfortable with your back straight. Thus, the right conditions are all met to study well during confinement.

A good organisation for working from home

To stay motivated, it is advisable to get up, wash and dress. Also maintain a healthy lifestyle with enough sleep, a balanced diet, fixed schedules and exercise if you can. For this purpose, you can opt for yoga or muscle building. When it comes to work and revisions, set yourself schedules and stick to them. Alone, we sometimes get lost in what we have to do at a distance. This is why it is a good idea to set yourself and write down the goals for the day and the week. Your goals should remain realistic, don't plan to finish the tasks of the week in one day! Indeed, a small regular work remains more fruitful than a long session without effectiveness. Staying motivated is a real challenge when the days are piling up. If you notice a drop in speed, get up, breathe, stretch and go. Being alone in front of your screen does not mean being alone in front of your goals. To this end, avoid isolating yourself. On the contrary, keep in touch with the students, the teacher, the mentor, etc. to keep your motivation.

Why not change your ways of work ?

This situation combining studies and confinement is also an opportunity to modify your methods and strengthen your learning capacity. Indeed, learning can use many channels such as reading, listening and speaking. It is advisable to test them all, or even to combine them. At most, attention span is rated at 25 minutes. From 70 minutes, it decreases and after 90 minutes, the man becomes downright ineffective. Therefore, the ideal would be to work intensely, take a break and start over. In addition, the Kanban methodology has already proven its worth. When reviewing, use Post-it notes for all actions in three different columns: To Do, In Process, and Done. In this way, you memorize your successes and the rest to be done while focusing on the current one. On the other hand, it is also preferable to start with the revision which horrifies you in order to free yourself from it as soon as possible: this is the toad theory. Also, if you find it hard to prioritize the amount of work, go for the pebble theory of tackling the most important work first.